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Hi Fredrik, could you make ttf versions of the other fonts? the zips only contain images

Thank you for your support, I've got a lot on my plate right not. I will look into doing this during the holidays :)

Hi, where can I find the border with skull and blood you used in the banner and side images ? Thank you.

Do you plan on making a .ttf version of the font variants? That would be awesome. <3

Amazing font Fredrik! Cant wait to use it for a prototype! Question; is the horned skull icon available for purchase anywhere?? Its amazing.

Seriously amazing job on this font! I will be importing this immediately! Thank you.

(2 edits)

Thank you! :)

Please add a .ttf :)

I am currently working on creating a .ttf version of the standard font :) no ETA tho

(1 edit) (+1)

.ttf is now available for Weiholmir Regular! :)